Sunday, June 30, 2013

Book reveiw of : Chains by: Laurie Halse Anderson

Laurie Halse Anderson's Historical fiction, Chains, is set in 1776 during the American revolutionary war  ,where we meet our main character, Isabel.  Isabel longs and wishes to be free, like every African American,  and at one point, she almost has freedom in her grasp.  But yet, that freedom slips away when she and her sister  are sold to a mean loyalist  family, called the Locktons, and moved to New York . With hopes of finding freedom, Isabel is persuaded in to  spying for the rebels  and gaining information on the British attack.  But when Isabel's tricks are unraveled, she has no idea who to trust or were to turn , and with the invasion of the Britain in New York freedom is not easy for a young woman like Isabel.  Will Isabel run away for freedom or will she pay the price?

Writer Laurie Halse Anderson's, Chains,  gives a great point of view of a slave girl during the American Revolutionary  War, and a very detailed  way of making the reader be in the shoes of the character. Personally, I thought this book lacked a little action so, if you are a person who likes action I recommend this book is not for you. But if you like historical fiction that has deep down meaning and has lots of detail through out the story, then you will love this story. I also recommend this book to an age group of 5th and up, based on the complex words in the book.

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